How to choose the right bed-Poughkeepsie Journal

Posted : Friday 3 June 2011

Your bed — is the most important piece of furniture of the room or perhaps the most important piece of furniture in your home. After all, you spend eight hours there, resting for the next day will bring. The style chosen can set the mood of the entire room, so you want to choose it wisely. According to a recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation, the American rooms are key to better sleep. While most Americans believe that their rooms are important for a good night's sleep only four in ten Americans are "sleepers", who say that they get a good night's sleep every night or almost every nightthe survey found. Since when you sleep plays a huge role in how you sleep, take a common sense approach in his bed next to the selection.

Designer Helen Piteo, Helen Piteo interiors in Poughkeepsie, shared how she recommends that customers choose a single master. "I feel that there are three elements to consider: comfort, functionality and style — in that order of priority," she said. "We started with comfort because, obviously, is the place in our entire House that we must be more comfortable — and with that, there are basic elements only. " For example, if someone is 6 feet 4 inches tall, he really should consider a bed without a Stirrup. "That is as basic as it comes. Comfort is key and touches on comfort in style. The bed and the space that you are creating must be smooth and comfortable and unobstructive in all senses for you, "said Piteo. "It's functionality in the space where the bed is then" said Piteo. Functionality, she said, it really comes down to basic math. "If you have a smaller room, you should not be selecting a sleigh bed. Sleigh beds absorb more space because of its projections of headboard and footboard.

He is going to occupy more space than necessary in the room, "she said. Sleigh beds are just one of many styles available to consumers. Other options include platform beds, storage room, canopy or four-poster beds, decorative iron headboards and leather or upholstered headboards. Another question to ask yourself, ' Piteo said, is how am I in storage space? ' "If you don't have a lot of storage space, consider a platform bed with drawers below," she said. Contrary to popular belief, storage beds aren't just for children. "A lot of queen beds and king size now provides storage underneath — and not just contemporary beds, but also a lot of transition styles is offering that," she said. Transitional style falls somewhere between traditional and contemporary furnishings, with lines that are less ornate traditional style, but not as severely basic as contemporary lines, according to the guide of furniture at

Comfort and practicality are fundamental aspects to transitional furniture, says the site. Piteo said, "we are building more low-cost houses, we are building smaller houses and thus a lot of our furniture today is providing more storage. The final element to consider is a style. "Styling is subjective."It is about a person's taste, said Piteo. "Where do we go with this particular room? Bed dictates the style. When we select the style we have in mind the environment is in. If we like four-poster beds, but we have a short ceiling, four-poster bed is not the way to go. However, if you have a domed or coffered ceiling or high, absolutely (consider a four-poster bed) because it will only dramatize this cubic square footage. " She said that is not always necessary to attach your mattress and box spring for a piece of furniture. "

Be creative. We use the wallpaper as background. We use cushioned headboards or a tapestry on a stem. You can even use the glass as a headboard, "she said. "It doesn't have to be an expensive piece of furniture to serve as a bed or a double bed very elegant." Piteo continued, "the bed will lead the overall color scheme. With some of our beds are lighter, we went with a color scheme very light and airy. Our finishes are darker in pay more color depth across the room. What I usually tell my clients is: shop on the Internet and in retail stores. Let me show you different options, and something will catch your eye — and something then it will be the driving force for our project. And when it comes to the room, I always start with the bed ". Once the frame is determined, the next purchase is a mattress to go along with it.

Michael Magnuson, founder of guide best bed, said, "the first step to choose the right mattress is to understand the three general criteria that differentiate between mattresses: comfort, durability, and support. Within each of these categories, beds can be compared objectively; However, purchasers of mattress should also factor in your personal preferences and needs, as well as with the amount you are willing to spend on your new bed. " On his website,, Magnuson included a mattress selection questionnaire to help consumers evaluate your personal needs and preferences. So if you choose comfortable memory foam or latex, Magnuson said, "once you've established your inclinations ... you will be able to restrict severely the universe of finite mattresses for a selection that meets your personal needs." View the original article here


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